What is the ketogenic diet?

A keto coach explains how it works

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What is the keto diet and how does it work?

When introducing the ketogenic diet, Keto Smart founder Tony Packenas starts by giving clients an understanding of the different fuels that the body can run on, and there are two main types: fats and carbohydrates.

Many of us have been taught our whole lives about the importance of dietary carbohydrates and that we need carbs as our main source of energy. A keto lifestyle turns that on its head.

It can involve a significant adjustment in both body and mindset. “There is a big transition period for many people,” shares Tony. When shifting to a keto lifestyle, the support of a coach can make all the difference as you transition through the different stages, especially for the first time. With the support of a keto coach, you receive ongoing guidance as you overcome new challenges and seek to deepen your knowledge to drive better health results.

Keto diet weight loss

By minimising your carbohydrate intake, your body will use its stored fat as energy, which is why the keto diet is so effective for weight loss.

Insulin is a fat storage hormone. By lowering the amount of carbohydrates in your body, it’s possible to lower your insulin levels, increasing your ability to burn fat.

Keep in mind that if your goal is weight loss, every good diet should be accompanied by exercise. Exercise is proven to lower blood sugar levels, have a positive impact on diabetes and mental health, and increase muscle mass and bone density, according to Harvard Medical School.

Clean vs dirty keto

What is clean and dirty keto? At Keto Smart, Tony promotes healthy keto. Simply put, this involves eating lots of vegetables, salads, animal products and healthy fats – and getting rid of all the rubbish (processed foods, and carbs and junk foods).

There are bad versions of the keto diet out there known as ‘dirty keto’. They generally promote lots of processed meats and unhealthy fats such as vegetable oils: think of fry-ups, or high sodium burgers – without the bun, but loaded with processed cheese. 

It's important to understand the difference between clean vs dirty keto, so you can achieve optimal and sustainable health benefits.

The healthy approach to the keto diet means eating free range and organic produce and grass-fed meat where you can, because not only is it great for your health and wellness, it eliminates the majority of chemicals and processed foods. Keeping it fresh and simple with good quality ingredients is the key.

When you book a one-on-one consultation with Tony at Keto Smart, you’ll learn all about how a ketogenic diet can help support you in reaching your health and weight loss goals.